About The SAM Marketplace Team

A Team of Experts Bringing You a Comprehensive Financial Tool We Know You’ll Love.

Our mission is to change the way tax and accounting professionals do business FOREVER.

50+ Years of Tax Experience

35+ Years of Cybersecurity and Global Software Development Experience

"In my 42 years of experience, I always wanted a tool that would help me and my firms save time, make more money, but more importantly, simplify the process. I looked hard to find a solution and couldn't, so I made my own."

Mark Kubinski
SAM Founder / CEO


  • Mark Kubinski

    Founder / Chief Executive Officer

  • Gregg Davis

    Chief Information Officer

  • Todd Steinberg

    Executive VP, Sales

Engineering and IT

  • Chris Mendes

    VP, Engineering

  • Momo Roth

    Full Stack Developer

  • Sina Rafieefar

    Full Stack Developer

  • Ino Moreno

    Jr Front-Web Developer

  • Roy Roy

    Jr Full Stack Web Developer

  • Sharon Xing

    UI/UX Lead

  • Nemi Desai

    Junior Web Developer

Business Development

  • Matthew Link

    Director, Sales

  • William Wilkes

    Director of Business Development

  • Alex Meschi

    Director, Strategic Business Operations and Marketing


  • Kam Rajakumar

    Director, Product Management

  • Trinie Thai

    Talent Acquisition

  • Leah Magdaleno

    Community Manager


  • Michael Roche

    Branding and Design

THE SOLUTION For The Tax & Accounting Industry

The SAM Marketplace is Changing The Way CPAs Do Business Forever.

Are You Ready To Join Us?